Trying Tim Horton's, the Canadian "Dunkin' Donuts"

The results? The coffee wasn't that bad at all. I'm not sure how consistent it is, only having been there once, and consistency is really where DD has it going on, but it was a much better brew than I expected. Sadly though, while cheaper, you also get a smaller medium cup. I have to ding them for that.
I also had their version of my DD standard, a chocolate glazed donut, and I must say, their version was horrible. It was way too sweet, and the glaze wasn't just like sugar, it had some kind of flavor itself, so you could barely taste the donut underneath. Not good at all.
So, I give their coffee a solid 3, and their donuts a 1. I'll stick with Dunkin' Donuts, thanks, but Tim Horton's will do in a pinch.
Tim Horton bought out local southern Rhode Island favorite Bess Eaton. BE had some greeeat coffee.
Haven't tried Timmy's yet. I just can't bring myself to it.
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