Back in Maine, 6 months later

My 6 month "anniversary" of being back in the state of Maine was recently passed. The Winters here were always the toughest things for me when I lived here before (though really, I didn't find Boston Winters MUCH milder) and I really need to start vacationing somewhere WARM during this season. This winter, however has been freakishly warm. We have yet to have a really good snowstorm, by that I mean 1 foot plus of snow. In my previous 3 years just outside of Boston, we had 2+ feet of snow at least 3 times, with one snowfall totaling nearly 3 feet (I kid you not). I expected to get dumped on here at least once, but significant snowfall just hasn't happened (not that I'm complaining, mind you). Figures, I'm back in a place where I have a garage and don't have to shovel and... no snow (again, not that I'm complaining). Now that we're well past the Winter Solstice, and we've gained over an hour of daylight, I am certainly looking forward to Spring, longer days, putting the TT top down, etc.
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